Volunteers of the Quarter: Thalia and Armando Ramirez

Volunteers Of The Quarter: Thalia and Armando Ramirez

All Things Made New’s Birthday Card Club was created in August of 2020. By September of 2020 Armando and his mom Thalia were sending in beautiful, thoughtful, handmade birthday cards for ATMN youth participants feeling disconnected from their friends during the height of the pandemic.

Since then, they have sent over 160 cards for the teens in our program. They have messages of support and love, all the way from the West Coast. We cannot thank Armando and Thalia enough for all the work they put into uplifting our youth participants, but we’ll sure try!

Thank you Ramirez family, and congratulations on being ATMNs Volunteers of the Quarter!

If you are interested in joining the Birthday Card Club, email us at atmnvolunteers@gmail.com.