Mission and History — ATMN

Mission & Goals

The mission of All Things Made New Mentoring Program is to provide mentorship, character development, and life skills training for youth to lead fulfilling and rewarding lives. The ultimate goal of All Things Made New is to motivate middle school and high school students to be goal oriented with strong character as they grow into adulthood. Our vision supports and empowers youth facing high risk behaviors in their community. We achieve this goal in three ways:


Goal 1

Offering group programs that are intentional to develop character through basic conversations, internal searching, external resources, and positive role models.

goal 2

Create relationships between the mentor and the mentee that will go beyond basic curriculum and be tailor made to meet the needs of the mentee and give them hope for their plans currently as well as in the future.

goal 3

Provide opportunities of community service for each youth to give back to the community they live in and make it a better place.  In addition, we also provide positive interaction in the community to expand their perspective and give them opportunity to find potential.

Our History

it all started when...

All Things Made New was started by an Elementary School Teacher, Michelle Flores, in Irving, TX who saw the need for support with the teenage girls in the area. Her desire was to support teenage girls to continue their education, respect themselves, create lasting relationships, and learn responsibility in every facet of their life. She has a passion for these girls and wants them all to succeed, no matter what their background may hold. She saw the need for mentoring in the middle schools and knew she couldn’t do it all on her own. All Things Made New started for middle school girls meeting the last Friday over every month at a City of Irving building and park. What was meant to be for middle school girls soon grew to also serve high school girls enduring similar situations. Over the course of 2 years, different meeting locations and growth, they opened their first facility located at 212 S. Main Street on April 21, 2015 after many months of searching and prepping for the perfect place to welcome them and create a safe haven for them to grow. In 2016, All Things Made New expanded its organization to begin Iron Roots, a program that mirrors the mentoring program for girls, except with the focus on preteen and teenage boys. The 5th-8th grade and high school girls group of All Things Made New was renamed to More than Gold, as their own specific program. In addition to all of this, the Family Point program was opened to serve families and the needs of the community.  The first program in Family Point was Cafe Con Leche, which serves mothers as a support system, a time to discuss being a wife, mother, sister, friend, or caregiver.  This program was followed by Set Free and Something About Marriage. In 2017,  we expanded our reach to serve teen moms through GRACE, “Girls Raising Amazing Children Effectively.”

I’ve been looking for program for my child for the past two years. He has ADHD and needs strong men to influence his life. I am single parent and there is no father figure. Talking with other young boys and men may be a big help for his future. We have been on a waiting list for another program for over 3 years. This has been a complete blessing to me.
— Iron Roots Parent